Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Girl Making Yet Another Comeback

I love it. Brandy is making yet another comeback. Her new music is fresh and still relative to what our young ears listen to now. New tracks that I heard that I'm feeling are Between Me and You and Romeo and Juliet, both which are dope.

People are sleeping on up and coming artist by the name of Chrishan whose music is relatively fresh. Personally I like his music and I think other's should be up on it. Some song titles of his that you should give a listen to are Break Your Heart, Futuristic Love and Best Sex vs. Bestfriend. Watch out for him and lets not say I told you so.

I was hoping to put the songs on the blog but I don't know how to that as of yet so yea.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

NEW perspective

So I'm sitting in my living room talking to my family talking about advancement and what we are doing with our lives. This got me thinking ...... what do I really wanna do?? I have so many ideas and plans in my head but I'm only allowed to do so much. What I really want to do is model. I want my face published somewhere. I want to be in the fashion world and become a fashion icon. I also want to start my own jean line, but I have no fashion background. I'm in school now for broadcast journalism with a double minor in sports studies and marketing so with that I want to be on the radio or the television. IDK, IDK. Maybe I can do them all. Making me focus on life and what I wanna do as I get older. ANyone out there with any help to get me started on the right foot??

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let It Snow

Today is February 3, 2009 and I'm already tired of the snow. Just to put it out there I DO NOT like the snow. I am tired of looking at it, walking in it and my kicks are getting destroyed. Yea it's pretty when it's falling but after day 2 of it being on the floor, come on it's just nasty. When will the season of spring get here. I am anxiously awaiting for your arrival. I just want to be able to get up and go 2 class "naked," is that to much to ask for.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Because I am Black ....

I do not come from a low income household that needed welfare to survive. I did not come from a community where there was a liquor store located on every corner and drugs being sold on the corner. And I sure as hell did not come from the projects, even though there is nothing wrong with it. I am not a gang member. So what makes you say that I am ghetto? Are these the attributes that constitute you to say the word ghetto? Is it because I am loud and express myself in a matter so that I can be seen and heard. I hate when people on this campus say, "you are so ghetto," what does that even mean because you don't say it to your other friends that do not look like me. So why direct the comment towards me? Just think before the next time you use the word ghetto, and know it's true definition because I do.

Love's End or What You Thought was Love ...

A crippled mind leads to a crippled heart. I hear a lot of people say that your suppose to love with your heart but doesn't your mind have to have some type of involvement. I mean love takes a lot of time and effort. But what happens when your heart and your mind tell you everything about the relationship can survive and make it through the storm but everyone around you says otherwise. I'm afraid to admit it but what I thought was love was truly not. I was blinded by infatuation. So to my reader's be aware and conscious of what you do and who you get involved with and make sure it's for the right reasons.